Facts - What is unicode space 3164 | Hangul Filler

 Unicode Space 3164

The Unicode Space 3164 ( U+3164 ) no matter how technical it look is not something from space but its a specific character called  "Hangul Filler" or "Hangul Jungseong Filler." It is classified as a letter althought is represents void

Guess what can it be ? A distant star or a new planet ?  or something like a telephone code . To know more about what (U +3164) is see below representation where empty place represent (U +3164)

    • Its a special character which is used in the Korean writing system


    • In Korean writing system Hangul is the alphabet

    • Each syllable block consists of one or more jamo (characters).

    • The Hangul Filler - It is represented by character (U+3164) , it is used to specify an empty space between words . Like we do in our keyboards by using space bar a space is been given between words , same in Korean writing system Hangul filler  (U 3164) is used as space . This word is void without having  a phonetic value or a visible glyph. 

    • It primarly serves as a spacing element in the Korean writing system

It has many uses in games like free fire to write empty user name , sending empty messages in Whats app and also in many operating systems .

People can also use it in multiple ways to represent void  

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