Facts about Brain eating Amoeba bacteria / Amoebic meningitis

Brain eating amoeba news - Naegleria fowleri /ameba naegleria fowleri


 Naegleria fowleri where is it found :

 These are free living bacteria and are found all around the world often in warm and hot water (amoebas in water),including freshwater amoeba .  Few brain eating amoeba news surfaced last year from United States and India too , even now some cases are resurfacing . Lets know what it is :

 Facts about it

  • These are not only tap water amoeba and not but are found in all types of water . Most Naegleria fowleri infections reported around the world have been linked to bathing and swimming in water bodies .

  •  These affects the brain by eating brain tissues and also cause swelling of brain which in turn is hazardous People usually get infected when they swim or take a bath , the water enters their nose.

    Warm water temperatures, particularly during the summer months, create favourable conditions for the amoeba’s growth .








      "A 15-year-old boy in Kerala’s Alappuzha district has died due to a rare infection caused by Naegleria fowleri or “brain-eating amoeba” after a week of high fever and rapid deterioration in his vitals. He used to take a bath in a stream" Indian Express

      Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms includes - Nausea , Fever , Stiff neck , vomiting , dizziness , Seizures.

    Amoebic Meningitis - It usually occurs when water contaning active bacteria goes up the nose .

Ensure that while swimming or taking a bath from a open source water that it is maintained in a hygeinic condition and is regularly cleaned , avoid too much swimming and bathing in open water sources especially during summer .


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