Interesting facts you didn't knew

Interesting facts you didn't know

Interesting facts you didn't Know : 

This world is full of mystery , the nature has amazed us every time we started believing that we have conquered it . It has always been a step ahead from us . Today we will be sharing few interesting facts you didn't know #fascinating facts #interesting history facts #unique facts # mysterious facts

Unbelievable science facts 
  • We know that we have different fingerprint , even the twins have their fingerprint different but do you know we too have a tongue print ?
  • . Do you know which is the strongest part of our body is it bone or a organ ? well , no its our tooth enamel . So you should brush daily .
  • Do you know how bullet proof jackets were developed ?  Was it by USA or Russian army . No it was made by a pizza delivery person from USA as he had two such incident before where he was shot at .
  • Do we not believe that turning cold water in ice would be easy as compared to warm water but that's exactly the opposite . It is easier to turn warm water to ice

Silly facts /wild facts

  A female anaconda eats her mating partner after mating so that she could get her food /nutrients for the period of pregnancy . Do u find it  funny or do u feel piety on that poor male anaconda ?

Biology Fun Facts 
  • The head of a shrimp is not located in the torso rather it is located in its head .
  • Whenever a whale is on the shore we are advised not to go close to her , the reason behind it is that gases inside her stomach build up and they create such a pressure that after sometime it explodes . So next time you find a whale lying at the shore keep a distance from her . 

Interesting facts about the ocean 

  • Titanic, a magnificient ship was advertised as an unsinkable ship  but she got drowned on her maiden voyage . It is still in the waters of the north Atlantic off the coast of New Foundland and almost 3000 metres below .
  • Now after almost 111 years , a submersible which was on her journey to the titanic wreck got imploded just after few hours in the mission , the possible cause is atmospheric pressure and the material being carbon fiber used in it .

Fun facts about ancient Egypt -

  • Egyptians considered cats as sacred and kept them as pet , they believed that it will bring good fortune 
  • Egyptians developed a board game almost 2000 years ago  named as Senet which .in which sticks were diced to see how many steps to move on board .


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